Posted: December 14, 2014

Item 1: Red and blue poo hat
Item 2: Pink Flamingo neck piece
Item 3: Licking the Marbles, inspired by this scene.
Holycrapparel loves Pink Flamingo, by John Waters, The Godfather of Filth! A work-in-progress project @ Roodkapje made during the summer of 2014 as homage to absurdity, vulgarity and poo! Some years ago, my mother visited me in Rotterdam and we went to an art opening in town. She wore a very elegant poo-shaped hat to a young art gallery, needless to say, everyong was looking at her instead of the work – she simply stole the show with her hat! When I rewatched Pink Flamingoes with all the outrageous hair colour, I knew I had to make poohats in the color of each character to match my mothers hat. The vest is based on one of my favorite scences where Divine and her son break into the Marbles home and they to start lick the contents of the house to 'spread their filthiness' as an act of revenge. In any case, I still need to finish it...hopefully I will find an occasion to do it.